dairy free

Paleo Bread! (grain free, gluten free, dairy free, drug free, smoke free) Have a sandwich to celebrate!

I’ve just made the perfect cup of tea. Exactly the right ratio of tea, to honey, to raw milk. I am diggin it. I’m also about to share the perfect recipe for Paleo Bread. So it just makes for a perfect Friday night really. If you’re a nerd like me.

I was given a good paleo bread recipe, which for some reason just didn’t work as well when I doubled it.  I usually make one loaf a week, so over the last few months, I’ve been tweaking, and perfecting. You know I don’t like to fluff around too much in the preamble, so here it goes! (trumpet sounds…)

Paleo Bread!


2 c almond meal
1 c tapioca or arrowroot
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
seeds of choice in the amount of your choosing (I use poppy seeds, linseed, pumpkin seeds, sprinkled in a loving fashion throughout the mixture, so that the amount looks right)
5 eggs
2 tblsp apple cider vinegar


The best part about this bread, is that it requires no kneading, preparation or fluffing around. You put all those things in a bowl, mix them up and you’re done! Put it into a greased loaf tin, cook for around 20 – 25 mins at 180 degrees celcius, or until firm and brown on top.


It’s really good when it’s warm out of the oven. With butter.

We like to have sandwiches for the first day or two, but it’s pretty good toasted with vegemite or jam, or under eggs and bacon and veges and home made relish. (That kind of meal will see you through til dinner time!)

If you’re a cheesey paleo person, make a ham off the bone, cheese and organic tomato toasty. Mmm.

My favourite discovery about this bread has been Paleo French Toast! This is a breakfast phenomenon in my house. I’ve finally got rid of the weetbix, and the kids are loving this, with a little ramekin of coconut cream for dipping. (Recipe to come.)

My perfect cup of tea has finished 😦

Thus, I must go.

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Apple & Ginger Granola

I haven’t had a lot of time lately for posting things but this needs to be posted. I’ve been flat out with study, and being mum and wife. My husband and I had our 5 year wedding anniversary, he surprised me with a weekend away. All three Lord of the Rings…extended versions of course, wine, massage, sitting down for extended periods of time…BLISS! A mini retreat from our hectic but loveable life.

I have been wanting to experiment with some paleo granola as an another alternative to eggs in the morning. I have best intentions to cook breakfasts, but its just too hard most of the time. Some mornings work better than others, but we need some good healthy nutrition laden alternatives for breakfast. My other alternative is this: Sweet pumpkin breakfast frittata. Which is also delicious and easy.

I should mention this… If you are after precision cooking, this isn’t really the place to be…I rarely make anything the same twice, but this is a way for me to try and document some of my experiments. My cooking and sharing of recipes reflects my life desire to redesign, reconfigure, change things up, and be creative. I want people to take essence of my recipes and find how they work best for them. I like it when people can work things out for themselves, and find happiness in doing so!

So without further ado…This recipe makes a pretty big batch, and I didn’t really measure my things, this is an estimate of what went into it 🙂

Apple & Ginger Granola

500g nuts – I used a mixed bag of brasil, macadamia, hazelnut, almonds, cashews
about a cup of chopped dried apple
30g crystalised ginger (this depends how spiced you’d like it, just put in what you’d like)
handfuls of sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pepitas
about a cup of sultanas
3/4 c dessicated coconut
1/2 c organic coconut oil
1/2 c honey
1 tsp himalayan salt
sprinklings of mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg)

Put half of your nuts, crystalised ginger, and apple in the food processor. Blitz it all up until its somewhere between finely and roughly chopped. Pour the mixture out onto an oven tray. (Make sure your tray has sides on it. Makes it easier for stirring it.)

Put in the remainder of your nuts (you can either chop them roughly by hand, or leave them whole) and sultanas. Sprinkle on your seeds, coconut, mixed spice, and salt.

Melt your coconut oil and honey in a small pot, and pour all over the mixture, stir it around and make sure everything is coated.

Cook in a moderate oven for about 15 mins, stirring 2 – 3 times, or until you see a bit of toasty colour.

The idea is to get some varied texture with the different sizes of nuts and fruit, and the salt is actually what makes this so delicious. The sweetness of the coconut and honey offset with that saltiness is soooo good. Its like healthy salted caramel flavour. I keep this in a big container in the fridge, and eat for breakfast or just a snack. YUM. Enjoy!


Healthy Chocolate Pie – yes.

Ok. It’s time to get back into this blogging business. I’ve been putting off starting again for the new year. I don’t really know why. Many exciting things are happening, and on my mind, I’d like to share some of it with anyone who might listen/read, so stay tuned.

Food is always an easy one for me, so lets start with a delicious healthy recipe! (more…)